Biden Bribes, Carbon Credit Derivatives and Agenda 21: The Real Reason for the Deep State’s Dirty Deals With Fossil Fuel
The dichotomous dirge of the information age. Everything connected, nothing understood. Except by technocrats leveraging the homestead and laughing at you, all the way to their 27th Swiss bank. And Elon Musk. Sometimes.
From Joe Biden’s cokehead son in Ukraine and China, Hillary’s national security emails, public lands in the Nevada desert, to Yosemite National Park, ANWAR and even your local municipal sewage plant, everything once preserved in the public trust now carries a secret price tag and sweetheart deal for the enrichment of the untouchables, no matter the cost to you, the nation, or to the average citizen wallowing in the ignorance of uninformed consent.
And everything listed above inextricably connected in one giant puss-filled boil of graft, greed, corruption and world energy control, plotted to turn billionaires into multi-trillionaires and put the political superclass of archcriminals and Elysium elites forever out of reach either of justice or accountability. Forever.
But something and someone interrupted their heist. Boy, howdy.
The belief that the Deep State is angry with Donald Trump and his supporters simply for gaining the reins of power in 2016 is ludicrous. They’re angry, nay, enraged, because Trump halted a global economic transition to a carbon credits based world economy with all the trimmings in the largest insider trading scam in history. The deals were already cut.
Not so much deals, per se, as train robberies comprised of sophisticated financial instruments like advance refunding escrows, swaps, “toptions,” “swaptions,” collars, and floors.
In short, federal and municipally leveraged derivative accounting arrangements accruing massive brokerage wealth to those with grantor’s foreknowledge and first-to-market capability.
Biden-Burisma, Harry Reid-ENN Energy Partners, Biden-CEFC China Energy, Obama-Solyndra and a burgeoning locust swarm of Al Gore-launched carbon credit brokerage houses like BGC and Evolution Markets were poised like lions on the savannah to make the killing of all time, using the monstrous tyranny of criminalized energy consumption and carbon footprint punishment as an extortionary gun to the ribs in a mugging of the world energy network. And food production. And everything else. Everything made of carbon, that is. Including you.
And America’s politico crime cabal was set to convert access to our national sovereign lands into a catalog of carbon pollution offset “land trusts” brokered only by the highly connected royalty of a new class of “Eco-Barons” to create the richest fortunes the world has ever seen. The countdown had already begun.
Under the new climate government of the world, chief carbon corporate offenders like Exxon-Mobile, General Motors, Arch Coal, less famiilar names like Shandong-Carter Industries and yes, Burisma Natural Gas of Ukraine, and even sovereign offending polluter nations like China and India would be issued edict ultimatum: Access a controlled global market of carbon offset options to atone for criminal levels of carbon atmospheric emissions, cease to exist, or sell your entire company and cede national sovereignty down to the hinges to the same people selling you the scam.
Carbon credit bankruptcy, liquidation and hostile takeover at the flip of a policy switch.
Enact the laws. Invent the solutions. Buy up the carnage. Own and enslave the world. Game over.
A man by name Donald Trump smashed those corrupt Rothschildian fantasies to smithereens, pulling America out of the world climate treaties, rolling back “cap and trade” EPA policies and letting coal, natural gas and American shale oil reopen for business. Trump’s reversals didn’t just reenergize the American economy, they resulted in launchpad delays and missed appointments for billions of dollars in insider venture capital from the environmentalist donor class, convinced that they were preparing to transition from buying tropical islands to purchasing the mining rights to moons, planets and solar systems. No hyperbole.
Licking their chops for a lease-lease-leaseback buffet. Carbon credits-meet deriviatives-meet collateralized debt monopoly to the moon.
And perhaps simpler examples suffice. No matter where you live, depending on size of town and age of your existing facilities, it’s likely key portions of local infrastructure aren’t even owned by the taxpayers of your city. Instead, things like sewage plants and municipal water systems are sold to large corporations in complicated financial arrangements known as leasebacks.
In short, these paper-shuffle accounting tricks are a form of municipal derivative harvesting identical to the bundling of collateralized debt obligations that spawned the subprime mortgage collapse. Only with billion dollar properties instead of family homes.
Sold as a cost saving measure for taxpayers, city sales and leaseback contracts on sewage plants, garbage recycling facilities, water treatment systems and the like allow harvesting corporations to list municipal assets as part of the valuation of their companies, capture the tax advantages of amortized depreciation and get a tasty peek under the hood of a city’s financial records for risk assessment and viability.
Then, large bundles of these lease-leaseback contracts are hammered together in the municipal bond jungle to create multi-layered investment opportunities that can be traded to banks, hedgefunds and private investors to create liquidity at factors of 50 to 1.
The derivatives game never ended. It’s just under new and more stealthy management.
Applied in totality to the world energy marketplace with carbon credits as the new global currency and the connotations are obvious.
What amounts to an international extortion racket using the threat of climate policy bankruptcy and the “protection” of repurposed sovereign assets, public lands, greenspace and even our national parks system as carbon credit repositories to offset the carbon taxation “sins” of the entire conventional energy sector. Petroleum and natural gas companies, coal-fired electric systems, oil and natural gas pipeline owners and any emerging company attempting to access the lucrative “Green Energy” boondoggle market without a license.
Today (and last year and the year before) it’s Hunter and Joe Biden and their influence-peddled ramjob to gain control of a Ukrainian natural gas concern. And bankrupt American coal. Tell us something we didn’t know.
In 2012 it was Harry and Rory Reid, piecing off the Nevada desert to a Chinese green energy partnership and positioning for the weighted playing field of public lands as carbon “land trust” collateral. And Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State, broaching topic with Beijing about the leveraging of U.S. sovereign lands as carbon offset reservoir for Chinese pollution, in exchange for a write-down of our Chinese debt. And a nice wedding for Chelsea.
With microcosmic versions happening every minute of every day in the municipal derivatives marketplace and lease-leaseback selloffs of facilities right down your street. Mighty nice sewage plant you have there. It’d be a shame if….
It’s all for sale. With our elected public servants at every level of government carving out a generous slice as the closing agent on the American Dream. You can’t own it. But you may be allowed to sell it and then lease it back in order to keep your ownership off the books. It’s all very tidy.
Just don’t ask too many questions, citizen. And don’t elect anyone or do anything else to make the aspiring trillionaire-overlords miss any more appointments on their way to immortalized deity status.
Unless you’d like another bioweapon in your Christmas stocking.
Carbon slave.