MAGA Truth: Trump is Losing 2020 and Will Without SpyGate, COVID-19 ‘Big Reveal’
At this very moment in 2016 and indeed long before, I outlined in detail and with meticulous explanatory all the reasons that Donald Trump would be elected our 45th President, why and how. I guaranteed it. It’s why some of you are still here.
I told you in the heat of that year’s GOP primary why Trump could not lose and why Jeb Bush would not win a single primary contest. I told you that the Rust Belt and the coal fields and blue collar workers angry about the foreign exodus of their jobs and livelihoods spelled disaster for Hillary Clinton’s detached insanity and overflowing treasonous dossier of selling out the American dream to those who have long predestined China as the center of global totalitarian empire. And I was right.
He won. And what a night it was.
While Trump’s demographic Kryptonite to the Hillary cabal was an easy political read, the actual margin of Trump’s victory was a razor blade. His margin for error in policy, outcome and eventual reelection in 2020, even more thinly parsed. Which brings us to the here and now. With the same assurance and intuitive analysis that left no doubt about his fortunes in that 2016 rise to power, I am telling you at this moment, there is ZERO chance for Trump to be reelected. None. The window has closed.
In a series of unfortunate responses to clearly contrived conspiracies and treason upon treason by our demoniac leftist enemies of this nation, Trump has been neutralized as a political force. And some of you, to my great sadness have played crucial information roles in that destruction. If you’re still reading, I do not, nor have I ever taken cue nor analytical notes from the dawdling morons in the mainstream press who struggle with the recipe for ice water. I do my own analysis and have been known to spend not inconsiderably to commission my own polling.
With that as backdrop, and not to belabor any previous point I’ve made about the Trump base’s idiotic response to COVID-19, or an apparent unwillingness and inability to keep the nation’s narcissistic mutant crop of unhinged problem children from tearing down pieces of history they couldn’t intelligently discuss on a bet, I will only say that Trump’s only remaining Hail Mary in this 2020 scrum comprises but two offensives:
Visible, dramatic and openly, thoroughly defined arrests, prosecutions and sentencing for the ANTIFA-BLM co-conspirators wreaking terrorist havoc and death in American cities, and similarly aggressive indictment, perp-walk and prosecution of the architects and minions in the treasonous 2016 SpyGate coup.
Those two things. And he likely still loses.
Because everything Trump does in this final 120 days will now be dismissed as political desperation rather than righteous justice for crimes committed. That’s the price paid for waiting too long to do the right thing.
ecause everything Trump does in this final 120 days will now be dismissed as political desperation rather than righteous justice for crimes committed. That’s the price paid for waiting too long to do the right thing. For not taking those crucial decisive actions with the political lead and with the ball. And equally, because a great many of you misread the play. And Trump did, too.
You’ve exonerated a Chinese weapons strike on American soil as nothing more than a flu virus. And rather than laying justice to the architects of that unabashedly brilliant plot to destroy your President, this economy and our nation, you’ve decided the winning narrative was to debunk a bioweapon. Instead of being outraged and justifiably seething with anger that China and the Deep State would be willing to sicken millions and kill 250,000 Americans or more to scuttle the Trump economy and pave Joe Biden’s way to victory, you concocted a fairytale and made it a running joke. Just another Smollett noose. And you were wrong.
Americans of every stripe are at present and for the foreseeable future, the prisoners of an ancient and now fully uncloaked insidious conspiracy, the organizers of which are willing to inflict any amount of misery, any amount of social violence, any amount of deception and chaos in order to regain and retain political power. They were unwilling even to allow an honest man to revive an economic engine that by every metric benefited and raised the level of Americans of every income and indeed, every color of skin.
Because they want to burn it all down. And they are.
To their eternally regrettable shame, Trump supporters for more than six months have treated real crises as nothing more than a succession of hoaxes, exonerating the criminals and conspirators for their crimes, and laughing amongst yourselves rather than reacting adroitly to apply justice for the final stages of an open coup on American soil.
And for that, our entire nation will pay the ultimate price.
To coin an ironic and aptly familiar turn of phrase, “Nothing can stop what’s coming. Nothing.”