The Shad Olson Show, January 10, 2020
Unique, enlightening and intelligent conservative talk radio with Emmy-winning investigative reporter, published author and broadcast veteran, Shad Olson.
Soleimani Killing Really About Disrupting Chinese Economic Agreements With Oil States in America’s Continuing Military Defense of the Declining Petrodollar; Threatened to Kill Iraqi PM First.
–More geopolitical and truth in the program’s first ten minutes than you will hear anywhere else. Sam Kephart rides shotgun as Shad Olson breaks down China’s role in the runup to this week’s events, as China and Russia attempt to establish a strengthened working partnership with OPEC and the petro states including massive infusions of Chinese cash for infrastructure investment to repair the damage done by the United States over two decades of deliberate and catastrophic intervention. Soleimani’s killing was a contravention of those agreements and a signal to undercut growing (and very smart) Chinese patronage of the OPEC nations. The American military has been reduced to the paramilitary wing of the International Monetary Fund’s monetary policy enforcement squad.
–This is continuation of petrodollar defensiveness that drove the PNAC document and prescribed destabilization and regime change in seven nations to prop up Saudi Arabia’s dominance in OPEC pricing, production and reserve currency denomination. America is largely energy independent, yes. But that house of cards still and forever depends on the pricing of the world’s oil supply in U.S. dollars rather than Yuan, Rupee or Rubles.
–We are defending the declining role of the dollar in the global oil trade, just as we did in the elimination of Saddam Hussein and Muamar Qaddafi, both of whom were seeking to sell OPEC oil only for gold backed currencies in a way that would have meant the immediate death for American prosperity. Sidney Blumenthal’s emails to Hillary Clinton proved both of those truisms in black and white. Thank you, Julian Assange.
–American foreign policy for 30 years has been deliberate DESTABILIZATION of the Middle East to allow Sunni dominance of the region at the behest of the Saudi royal family and their bedfellow status with both CIA and Mossad. FACT. Because Saudi Arabia owns the keys to the value of the U.S. dollar.
–As with other Trump moments out of character and contrary to form–things like bump stock bans and talking up the virtues of Red Flag preemptive gun confiscation without due process, or the banning of all flavored vapes “to save the children,” Trump’s Iranian gambit laid bare to the bone key differences in wings of his support that likely won’t be speaking to each other for a while. On one side, the fatuous sycophants who believe that if you take exception or voice dissent with Trump policy even a single iota, “YOU ARE NOT A TRUE TRUMP SUPPORTER.” Yes. Stunning analysis.
Will Donald Trump’s historic economic resurgence continue or will America be plunged into the designed collapse and chaos of the intentional destruction of the globalist totalitarian vision?
Click red links below to launch segments in separate player page.
Hour 1.
The Shad Olson Show January 10, 2020 Segment 1–Soleimani Died to Prevent China ME Alliance
The Shad Olson Show January 10, 2020 Segment 2–Unarticulated NEOCON Agendas Still Suck
The Shad Olson Show January 10, 2020 Segment 3–Trumpists Bipolar on Trusting Deep State
The Shad Olson Show January 10, 2020 Segment 4–Trump Risks Alienating AntiWar Base That Won 2016
Hour 2.
The Shad Olson Show January 10, 2020 Segment 5–AntiWar Base Pulls Trump Back From Brink
The Shad Olson Show January 10, 2020 Segment 6–Tucker Carlson Might Have Averted WWIII
The Shad Olson Show January 10, 2020 Segment 7–Live Coverage of War Powers Debate
The Shad Olson Show January 10, 2020 Segment 8–Truth is Unpopular, On Both Sides of Aisle