Operation Never Again: The Media Thought Control Project to Silence Dissent and Destroy Trump’s Revolution
Forget politics. While keeping the world distracted with fake scandals, phony dossiers and Russian bots, every element of the global media power structure from social platforms to network television news is busily realigning and brewing up their revenge in a backroom master ploy insiders say is dubbed, “Operation Never Again.” A comprehensive plan to destroy equality of information, end free speech forever and make Donald Trump the last American President.
Shortly after the 2016 election and the stunning populist victory by President Donald Trump, abject panic roiled through the boardrooms and star chambers of some of the most powerful globalist minders and their centers of power. From silicon valley to Hollywood. From New York City to Beijing, China, the message instantly resonated and received. Something had gone terribly, terribly wrong. A glitch in the Matrix, as it were. The moment Neo woke up. The election of Donald J. Trump.
For the minders of the coming global God-state, their responsive pivot and response to Donald Trump needed to be much more than simply political sabotage and insurance plans at the FBI. It needed to encompass every message, every form of competing narrative and every media effort to penetrate and disassemble the establishment blueprint for total dominance. An overarching plan to reduce the Donald Trump Presidency to nothing more than a blip in the social fabric and a speed bump on the road to total worldwide social control. And it needed to happen immediately.
Restoring Control
On the heels of the Trump American Brexit, social media moguls began their despicably unethical and authoritarian push to restore equilibrium back in favor of the ruling elite. The initial communications began in the hours and days following Trump’s unlikely staving of the final destruction of the American Republic. Politicians rang tech heads. Tech heads rang media titans. Democrat super donors rang everyone. San Francisco ultra-liberal billionaire Tom Steyer reputedly lost his voice from yelling at everyone, on the phone and in person. These days, he lets his money do the talking.
In late January, emergency meetings were called both intra-corporately and jointly between the heads and bit players of the major tech firms, network media moguls and the Hollywood elite. The counterstrike began nearly instantaneously at both Google and Facebook with adjustments to limit the penetration and influence of Trump-friendly, populist voices and “deboost” their reach and resonance.
For Google, that task literally required a suicidal reworking and indeed, the formulaic destruction of their originally hyper-effective search algorithm that had produced their monopolistic dominance as the most trusted and reliably effective search engine on the planet. After internal meetings of top brass and more than a few angry phone calls by Capitol Hill Democrats including Nancy Pelosi and Hillary Clinton herself, as well as chief overlord of the Democrat donor dominion, George Soros, in February, Google went about smashing their proprietary golden goose to smithereens, tearing the heart out of their search engine in ways that users noticed nearly immediately in the form of often inexplicable and nonsensical search hauls–all in the interest of making sure certain messages, voices and topicality were substantially suppressed and in some cases silenced completely.
What resulted was a Frankengoogle search process that pushes positive stories about leftist elites to the top of queries involving scandal, personal embarrassment and fraud. Original content and headline dealing honestly with topics like Uranium One, Haitian refugees, Podesta emails and anything dealing with the Wikileaks Clinton campaign dump instantly fell to virtual invisibility in search query. Damage control bandaids to regain thought control over the pesky kingdom of serfs that had rejected their demon queen.
Facebook’s “Red February” Algorithm Shift
At facebook, after some immediate January 2017 adjustments following the Trump win, February 2017 brought their now infamous and tectonic realignment to destroy the social media conduit that had allowed such rapid dissemination of the anti-Clinton revelations and the Trump firestorm of reinforced resonance and popularity. Similar to Google, they began tweaking and in some aspects dismantling and reassembling the way users and their posts are seen, categorized, floated and circulated on the platform. The now legendary February facebook rewrite produced nearly instantaneous and dramatic results.
In the span of just four days, President Donald Trump himself saw a 42% decline in facebook “engagement” rates, meaning the levels of penetration produced by his content and the number of users exposed to his posts plummeted by nearly half significantly blunting the reach and impact of his interjection into the common narrative. Even traditional outlets like the Chicago Tribune were savvy enough to take note, with Kurt Gessler writing a scathing and well parlayed response. The Tribune, Gessler wrote had seen a drop in their reach engagement from 50,000 views down to 4,000-6,000 range. And it was sending their sponsors heading for the exits.
And it was only the beginning.
Subsequent facebook adjustments included huge shift in resource and personnel to emphasize monitoring and identifying of conservative, Pro-Trump, “influencers,” and the application of individually customized deboosting algorithms and reputational scores to tamp down the MAGA message. Leaked documents and screenshots provided by a facebook infiltrator working for Project Veritas show the user dashboard where formula values and user scoring are applied and regulated, handicapping and silencing independent journalists, witty commentators, or simply entertaining civilian voices with a knack for gaining a following and cutting through the morass.
Purging the Thought Criminals
Simultaneously, all social media platforms began honing their focus and stepping up enforcement of “community standards” in order to deplatform and digitally erase the most effective divergent thought dissidents in the digital realm. For the purposes of this article, we won’t spend time restating the obvious rush by silicon tech to implement censorship of conservative populist messaging, classification of anti-Islamic, anti-socialist and gender dysphoria skepticism as “hate speech,” while elevating social justice, leftist propaganda and outright Communist insanity to the deified air of favored thought. The examples are myriad and growing. The effect is pervasive and geometric. It is happening at this moment in the eternal now of cyberspace evolution. And it has succeeded with masterful precision. Just ask Alex Jones, who saw his InfoWars empire delisted by every major distribution platform in a matter of hours. Purged from Apple iTunes, deleted from Youtube and Google, and thrown of both facebook and Twitter in a two day span. Yep. No collusion there.
Wang Jianlin: China’s Hollywood Takeover
Amid all of this and largely unnoticed and beneath the radar, something else happened. Among the global sinocentric elite confronting the Trump war on Chinese hegemony and international trade chicanery, one of the wealthiest men in China decided to buy Hollywood. Not the place, mind you. Just controlling interests in six of the most powerful American movie studios and their theater chains of distribution. The whole works. Wang Jianlin’s leviathan Dalian Wanda Group, shut off in their efforts for outright purchase of the movie lots began injecting massive billions of capital into the studio holding companies for Columbia, Disney, Fox, Paramount, Universal, and Warner Bros, even prior to the 2016 election, assembling an impressive strategy of acquiring controlling shares in all but one of their targeted houses and purchasing another outright.
And it’s understandable why the film studios interest Wang: Dalian Wanda bought Legendary Pictures for $3.5billion in January, making it the largest-ever US media acquisition by a Chinese company. And because media concentration in the American marketplace finds movie studios and large entertainment conglomerates with controlling interests in both cable and network television news outlets, this simple strategic move has deepened an already endemic Chinese presence in American media messaging, transforming both editorial and entertainment players into clearinghouses for anti-Trump, Pro-ChiCom propaganda outlets and beginning the nesting process for proliferation of Chinese style social messaging control, complete with social scores, online reputational scoring tabulation and ultimately, limiting access to goods and services through the subjugation of free speech to United Nations definitions of speech civility and peaceful citizenry as outlined in their 2030 agenda.
Update: Disney’s March, 2019 purchase of 21st Century Fox, the shrewd positioning of the Chinese money tendrils into America’s programming sphere become even more obvious.
The Global End Game for Free Speech
It’s a lot to take in. Read it again. I could have made this single article 100 times in length and still not encapsulated the totality of the depth of their plan for information dominance. But understand that the overarching theme is very simple. Globalist superminds believe that their mismanagement of the internet and the allowance of such a rapid decentralization of independent media has been a near fatal mistake to the realization of their one world government agenda. Some would say it is irreparable. They’re working now to alleviate and shore up that “mistake” in every possible way and at every level, efforting an ultimate shift in the way the internet is policed and controlled and how thoughts and ideas contrary to their values and priorities can be shut out of virtual existence with as much ease as erasing a troublesome person from the physical realm. One will inexorably lead to the other. They are desperate to put the genie of populism and Trump populist nationalism, for lack of an official term, back in the toothpaste tube of ideas. Denuding this global awakening fed righteous oxygen in the flow of unfettered and unregulated information is now their number one objective for restoring control. Silencing the voices and opinion makers who have so effectively exposed and countered the lies of their propaganda machine must be accomplished swiftly and with absolute prejudice.
We are all thought criminals who have strayed troublingly off course of the global agenda. We must be dealt with. They will attempt to remind us with every trip to facebook jail and every chit or demerit to our online reputational score that our thoughts are not our own to choose and that persistence in adoption of antiquated notions of human self determination is an offense punishable by death. The death of nations. And the death of individual liberty and the pursuit of the American Dream.
Let’s remind them that 2016 was only the sounding of the first alarm. We’re moving now to ramming speed.