Brett Kavanaugh and the Quiet Lawsuit Exposing $Millions in Clinton, DNC Money Laundering
DNC Motive for Destruction: Newly-minted Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh is just one court ruling and two appeals away from casting a deciding vote in a federal lawsuit alleging massive money laundering by the DNC, Hillary for America, and the Hillary Victory Fund.
Call it three degrees of separation. And Kevin Bacon nowhere in sight. Reverse the initials from KB to BK and Brett Kavanaugh can start a new game with intrigue that might carry a federal prison sentence.
Soon and very soon, Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh will be smack dab in the midst of a roiling but quietly building Federal lawsuit against the Federal Election Commission involving Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Victory Fund that alleges a very fancy paper shuffle and the laundering of hundreds of millions of dollars in individual campaign contributions too large to be legal, but easily broken down and concealed in legal, bite-sized chunks.
In April of this year, the group, Committee to Defend the President filed suit against the Federal Election Commission alleging the FEC had purposefully ignored campaign finance violations of at least $84-million stemming from hundreds of transactions between state Democrat party committees, the DNC and the political action committee, Hillary Victory Fund.
Among other things, the suit alleges that Hillary’s 2016 Presidential Campaign used money transfers between 40 state Democrat party committees and the Hillary Victory Fund to break down too-large-to be-legal campaign donations into smaller contributions that were then sent back to the Hillary Victory Fund in legal amounts.
A little background:
Under Federal election laws, campaign contributions by individual donors to specific candidates are limited to $2,700 per election cycle, donations by political action committees or PAC’s are limited to $5,000 per election cycle, while individuals can give $10,000 to any state party committee and $33,400 to either the DNC or RNC. Donations that exceed those limits are a violation of Federal law. Donations from foreign entities to American political candidates are strictly forbidden. Subjecting all political donations to bank documentation and strict campaign verification gave the appearance that the rules made our elections safe from foreign buyers and difficult to circumvent. Wrong.
The current lawsuit alleges the Hillary campaign used crisscrossing money transfers between state and national Democrat committees to “unpack” individual donations far larger than legal limits before disbursing the funds back to Hillary’s campaign, exploiting a legal loophole that the Federal Election Committee has been either unable or unwilling to punish as illegal.
Committee to Defend the President originally filed their complaint with the FEC in December of last year, accusing the Democratic National Committee and 40 Democratic state parties of an “unprecedented nationwide scheme to violate federal campaign finance law in which $84 million was effectively laundered over more than a year by the Hillary Victory Fund through dozens of state political party committees to the Democratic National Committee and, ultimately, to Hillary for America.”
Enter Supreme Court Justice, Brett Kavanaugh. Destroyed, defamed, besmirched, tortured and publicly crucified by Soros money and the DNC. And the man who might very well cast the deciding vote for campaign finance justice against Hillary Clinton and those involved.”
According to the 101 page complaint filed April 16, 2018, Hillary Victory Fund, Hillary for America, the DNC and dozens of state and local democrat committees used state party chapters as shell organizations to transfer and process $500-million in donations from Democrat mega-donors (George Soros, Calvin Klein, Seth McFarlane, Tom Steyer, to name but a few) into smaller contributions meeting FEC limitations.
The complaint alleges a near unending stream of illegal six-figure donations were routed through multiple state Democrat state committees and then transferred back into the DNC before being routed directly to Hillary’s campaign coffers in what may be the largest violation of campaign finance law in the history of the United States.
Enter Supreme Court Justice, Brett Kavanaugh, destroyed, defamed, besmirched, tortured and publicly crucified by Soros money and the DNC. And the man who might very well cast the deciding vote for campaign finance justice against Hillary Clinton and those involved.
Maybe that’s what you saw on Dianne Feinstein’s quivering, terrified face. Among other things.