Coverup: Sanders Wins Easily, Biden Distant 4th as Democrat Spin Implodes in Iowa
Source: Sanders wins big, while Joe Biden staggers in fourth place, leaving DNC party bosses scrambling with shovels and flashlights to bury an election result by cover of night like so much a mafia hit. After millions of dollars spent and thousands of hours campaigning the state by candidates, volunteers and operatives, the Democrats have every intention of pretending that Iowa simply didn’t happen. Because they’re all about transparency. (Chortle.)
The day after Groundhog Day, erstwhile Communist ditherer Bernie Sanders has to feel like Bill Murray hearing Sonny and Cher belt out a familiar wake up tune, trapped in a time warp where every single day is exactly the same until you just want to die. “I Got You, Babe.” And indeed, just as they did in robbing the Vermont curmudgeon of the 2016 Democrat nomination in favor of Hillary Clinton, the DNC has “gotten Bernie,” once again in a rigged Iowa caucus that is a national embarrassment to all involved and most certainly to the Democrat brand.
What we know via inside sources is that Bernie Sanders did indeed win the first in the nation primary contest in Iowa, handily outdistancing a second place South Bend Mayor, Pete Buttigieg, Elizabeth Warren in third place, and most notably, a staggering, slurring, discombobulated Joe Biden who is 2020’s version of Hillary Clinton, the DNC’s establishment choice of a candidate so visibly flawed that all the media spin and stucco in the world can’t transform him into a contender in his own party, much less against Donald Trump. Biden limped badly into fourth place.
According to the preliminary results published by the Sanders campaign, Bernie took first place with 29.66 percent, with former South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg taking second with 24.59 percent. Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) took third, with 21.24 percent.
No other candidate received the 15 percent necessary for delegates. On the final count, former Vice President Joe Biden took 12.37 percent and Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.) took 11 percent.
And the proof of that is as close as the coverup. The non-release of the Democrat caucus results blamed on “irregularities” and “technical glitches” containing results so contrary to party insider will and so definitive to the true face of the Democrat base that they can never be exposed to the light of day. And so, the party that has spent three years posturing as the moral arbiters of goodness, truth, transparency and fair elections, *cough-cough, now slams the lid on an Iowa process that talking heads and genuflecting SJW scribes spent weeks denigrating as “too early,” and “too white,” to be worthy of being the first election contest out of the box in the ultra-woke universe of 2020 stupid.
The non-result, blamed on an ever evolving list of descriptive malfunctions that by Tuesday morning had landed like a roulette ball on “coding issues,” is an embarrassment not just in clear lack of competence, but in the about two dozen ways it directly undermines and contradicts persistent and pretentiously obnoxious Democrat narratives and talking point about Donald Trump’s “incompetence,” his “unfamiliarity with process,” his, “lack of transparency,” and of course, intelligence.
Even more presciently than the succession of clown-car Democrat debates that lurched from the comical to the absurd in often incoherent and torturously mundane waves of tepid oatmeal personalities, Iowa may very well stand as a tombstone to any further pretense about a party thoroughly willing to ignore, subvert, disenfranchise and manipulate its voting base for the whim and will of party insiders and “fixers” who couldn’t find their way to a free election process with KY Jelly and a proctological scope. Even more definitively than in 2016, the Democrats are a political party that doesn’t represent or respect the majority of its own base, now attempting to represent an entire nation. And good luck winning with that.
The question beggars, that if elections are so anathema to a party that takes near clerical pride in posturing as the sainted maintainers of “Democratic Process,” perhaps, dear leftist friends, you could just spare all of us the time, attention and angst, have the DNC and Xi Jinping jointly announce the candidate of your choice on Groundhog Day, throw an intersectional vegan luau and roast human fetuses over piles of burning ballots in the rest of the primary states.
The upside would be a badly missing dose of honesty of intention.
You idiot impostors couldn’t look more incompetent and detached if you were a bunch of Pomeranians at a Pitbull convention.
Speaking of, Donald Trump will be along soon to help remind you just what a disaster this has all been. Good luck with the sutures.