Maximum Risk: Impeachment, Gun Grab, Martial Law; WTH Will Happen in Virginia?
From Iranian Fake Warfare to the Virginia ‘Gun Grab,’ a confluence of strange and high tension events sets the perfect pretext and backdrop for a Deep State desperation move, false flag terror attack, Trump assassination, martial law declaration, or all of the above.
In patriot media, the consensus is clear. A large cross section of friends and colleagues, a tightly knit community of highly intuitive folks steeped in geopolitical expertise and over-the-horizon sensitivity to coming events all agree: Something wicked, this way cometh. We’re all bracing for impact. Alarm bells ringing. A sort of extrasensory tinnitus of the soul that oozes a dark spiritual essence of impending travail and tribulation. “Spidey senses” tingling, if you’ll forgive. My cell has been blowing up this past week with eerily similar watchwords of warning, best summarized by abbreviated texts along the lines of, “Dude. You feeling what I’m feeling? Shit’s about to go down.” Yes and yes. And yep. Transmission answered and ended. I need another drink.
“Dude. You feeling what I’m feeling? Shit’s about to go down.”
And evidence is mountainous and ripe for a concussive conclusion. From the disingenuous Iran fiasco and enflamed sleeper cell chatter, to the FBI’s sudden interest in commandeering every piece of advanced generation consumer grade night vision equipment, to Virginia Democrat lunacy of promised gun confiscations and outright criminalization of ownership of AR-15’s, and Red Flag tyranny, to the pending Senate impeachment farce inaugurated this week by Nancy Pelosi’s gold-penned “Magna Carta” bullshit signing ceremony, the pieces are in place and the tripwires festooned and tightened for plausible deniability and granular pretext for any number of events, both organic and Deep State shake-and-bake, to plunge the nation into full flame of civil insurrection.
More so than at any time in my lifetime, events both recent and pending appear to coalesce with balletic precision for an “Empire Strikes Back” moment against Donald Trump and the populist movement on American soil. And Virginia, what with a white supremacist authoritarian dipshit of a Governor and geographic necessity for the installation of a disarmament buffer zone between the rest of the nation and the treasonous beltway, appears to be “Ground Zero 2.0” for whatever the dark ops folks are planning. Monday’s “Lobby Day” in Richmond and an expected crowd of 100,000 gun owning patriots bears all the tells of a potential kill zone.
If history teaches us nothing else, it is that these black ops demons are habitually scripted down to the finest detail. And their routine would be incomplete without first telling and predicting exactly what it is that they plan to do and then doing it, as if we’ve all been allotted informed consent prior to their illegal and treasonous actions. When Creepy Uncle Joe Biden began inexplicably opining once again about the 2017 Charlottesville ‘Unite the Right’ disaster, (an event planned, funded and organized via George Soros money by an Occupy Wall Street organizer and Secrest Strategic Services operative somehow fashioned and reborn in a MAGA hat spouting white supremacist hatred) and predicting a repeat on a much larger and deadlier scale, it should have set of alarms for all of us across the Trump landscape of just what the flying monkeys have in store. It bothered me nearly as much as Vice President Mike Pence’s nonsensical and historically disprovable claims that Iran and Soleimani were instrumental in the 9-11 terror attacks. No. No, they weren’t. But thanks for helping to further damage my trust in your agenda and already sketchy lack of loyalty to Donald Trump.
It’s not so much “if” as “what” that remains unanswered.
Fun times. Keep your powder dry.