To the Gallows: America’s Future Requires Full Measure of Punishment for SpyGate Traitors
And so, the very soul of this Republic hangs for the final time in the balance of justice. The architects of a grand deception and undertakers of the most grandiose political treason in national history, duly found out in their scurrilous actions, dare the knives of justice to cleave marrow from bone and separate truth from folly. They wait guilty for response.
At present, two camps are split in Republican ranks with Lindsay Graham demanding a GOP version of Mueller’s glorified special counsel show trial and Devin Nunes stating rightfully that no more discovery is required and that grand jury empaneling and criminal referral should begin now, post haste.
The course is very clear. It is not merciful restraint to give quarter to demons. It is not admirable deference to allow the nation to suffer further poison from their fangs. Only the greatest of fools would allow definable traitors of the treasonous FISA betrayal to maintain their posts at the very center of power where they will bandage wounds and ready for their final thrust.
If America is to remain a free nation of laws and not men, the only righteous course is to purge the traitors from our midst and to do it now.
If America is to remain a free nation of laws and not men, the only righteous course is to purge the traitors from our midst and to do it now. Not as political parlor game, or extended news item for the winning of elections and the raising of campaign funds, but as the true application of punishment to criminal and an eternal marker to the destiny of liars, traitors and thieves of sacred honor.
The erosion of moral hazard regarding treason can only be the punctuated termination of our Republic. There can be no plea bargained adjudication or mollification of consequence, lest the incentivized bequeathments for betraying our nation rise even higher above the righteous atonement for the most shameful action any citizen can inflict on their country.
As for me in this time, let it be openly stated that if there is a need for gallows, I am a carpenter. If there is a need for ropes, I am acquainted with the knots. And if there is a shortage of men willing to carry out the rightful task, I will pull the trapdoor lever from dawn until dusk with no need of mask, ever smiling, ever steady and in full conscience for the application of a needful death.
That America the proud, America the free, and America the honest and true will exist a century more under God’s great sky and not only on history’s pages, written by men and women we were not worthy to intercede.
The nation and indeed the universe in motion cry out for a day of justice and blood. It is not righteous restraint to turn aside from the task. Let there never be a moment of mercy in the face of such despicable, arrogant evil.
It is time to retake this nation for the children we love, for their children yet unborn and for the vast sea of humanity, long since dead, who dreamed this nation into life and deserve only our best defense in disposing of all of those snakes who set their venom against America. The dream of generations. The blessing of God.
Hang them all.