Kavanaugh Gets Candid: Says He Remained a Virgin Until Many Years After High School
Kavanaugh: “I’ve never sexually assaulted anyone…I did not have sexual intercourse or anything even close to sexual intercourse in high school or for many years thereafter…”
Embattled smear campaign victim and Supreme Court nominee, Brett Kavanaugh spoke publicly Monday night on Fox News Channel answering questions surrounding mushrooming allegations regarding his treatment of women as both a high school and college student four decades ago.
Appearing alongside his wife Ashley in an interview with FNC’s Martha MacCallum, Brett Kavanaugh was surprisingly candid about his personal life as a young man, pushing back emphatically against the accusations that he sexually assaulted Dr. Christine Blasey-Ford in 1982 and exposed himself to Deborah Ramirez at Yale University a year later. Offering expected denials to both incidents, Kavanaugh went further, offering candid details of his sexuality as a young man, adding revelation that has become the focal point of his consistent denial of the Blasey-Ford narrative, going so far as to reveal that he had not lost his virginity for many years after high school in a particularly forthright exchange:
Kavanaugh: “…I’ve never sexually assaulted anyone…I did not have sexual intercourse or anything even close to sexual intercourse in high school or for many years thereafter and the girls from the schools I went to and I were friends…”
Martha MacCallum: “So you’re saying that through all the years that are in question, you were a virgin?”
Brett Kavanaugh: “That’s correct.”
Martha MacCallum: “Never had sexual intercourse with anyone in high school?
Brett Kavanaugh: “Correct.”
Martha MacCallum: “And through what years in college, since we’re probing into your personal life?”
Brett Kavanaugh: “For many years after. I’ll just leave it at that. Many years after.”
Martha MacCallum: “You’ve categorically denied that this happened. Did anything happen?”
Brett Kavanaugh: “No. I’ve never sexually assaulted anyone. Not in high school. Not ever. I’ve always treated women with dignity and respect. Listen to the people who have known me best for my whole life. The women who’ve known me since high school. The 65 who overnight signed the letter from high school saying that I always treated them with dignity and respect.”
Kavanaugh’s open recounting of his own claimed lack of sexual experience stands in stark contrast to alleged statements by Christine Blasey-Ford to friends and acquaintances in which she is alleged to have expressed regret about a prolific sexual history, allegedly telling one friend that she regretted, “being so easy,” in high school.
Kavanaugh also disputed rudimentary facts of Christine Blasey-Ford’s allegations to a level of detail conspicuously missing from Blasey-Ford’s own account, in which she admits she doesn’t remember the date, time or even the location of the party. In a manner to be expected from a lifelong lawyer and jurist accustomed to the importance of specifics in testimony, Kavanaugh gave chapter and verse regarding the material elements of the allegation:
“This is an allegation about a party in the Summer of 1982, at a house near Connecticut Avenue and East West Highway with five people present,” Kavanaugh said.
“I was never at any such party. The other people who were alleged to be present have said they do not remember any such party. A woman who was present, another woman who was present, who was Dr. Ford’s lifelong friend, has said she doesn’t know me and never remembers being at a party with me at any time in her life.”
Kavanaugh’s clear reference to Blasey-Ford’s repudiation by no less than three people she claimed had knowledge of the time, place and circumstances of the alleged attack is a point completely ignored by mainstream media outlets, including the outright denial by longtime Blasey-Ford friend, Leland Ingaham-Keyser, who not only denied knowledge of the alleged party where the incident purportedly took place, but denies ever having met or even knowing Brett Kavanaugh during their high school experience.
“I have never sexually assaulted anyone, in high school or otherwise.”
“I am not questioning and have not questioned that perhaps Dr. Ford at some point in her life was sexually assaulted by someone in some place. But what I know is that I have not sexually assaulted anyone in high school or at any time in my life.”
Kavanaugh also responded to Deborah Ramirez’s allegations that he dropped his pants and thrust his genitals toward her face at a drunken dorm party at Yale University in 1983, saying that such an incident would have been the talk of the school and that no one had either mentioned such an incident or has yet corroborated Ramirez’s claims.
Kavanaugh concluded by stating emphatically that he will not withdraw from the nominating process and that he will not be intimidated by false allegations for political effect.
“All I am looking for is a fair process. A process where I can defend my integrity and clear my name. And all I’m asking for is fairness and that I be heard in this process.”
FULL INTERVIEW: Kavanaugh Fires Back in Candid Interview Regarding Allegations of Sexual Assault, Sexual Misconduct by Liberal Accusers